First of all, I want to thank all of you who left a comment or messaged both me and Josh when we shared our blog and information for the first time. We were so overwhelmed with the support and really didn't expect it. It was an amazing response and some people went above and beyond trying to help anyway they could. This process is going to be a long one so at the moment we are taking things appointment by appointment and learning ourselves along the way.
Since the last blog there haven't been anymore updates so that's why we have been quiet. The only update was that we had our next appointment booked in for Monday 29 October but it got moved (for whatever reason) to Friday 9 November. I still have to go up on 29 October as I have my ultrasound but we will update once we have had our next appointment.
We received a letter a few days ago about our funding application. We were surprised as we didn't think we would hear anything until our next appointment but we got sent a copy of the letter that was sent to our surrogacy doctor. Our surrogacy doctor applied on our behalf for us to be considered for NHS funded Fertility Preservation. The initial application has been ACCEPTED and our case will be considered at the next available funding meeting!!
We are both very happy that we have progressed through the first stage and want everyone to help us keep our fingers, toes, arms, legs and eyes crossed that we get accepted at the next meeting. I don't like to think negatively but we are both really worried we won't get the funding. I don't see why we shouldn't - there is no arguments about the situation - I can't carry a baby - end of discussion! Believe me, if there was a way round it, I would. Most of you know how stubborn I am but in this case, I would be being selfish and very stupid to go against medical advice. Even though I've had my transplant, it still isn't a cure. I still have a suppressed immune system, low body weight, diabetes, tiredness and Cystic Fibrosis.
So if we don't get the funding we will still be following our same plan and route for a baby - it will just set us back a bit more in time and we will do all we can to fundraise and save.