Just a little update on where we are at the moment with our surrogacy journey seeing as yesterday was Mothers Day...
We have managed with the help of many of you amazing people to raise just over £3500 towards our little baby. We need the same amount on top of that and we will be ready to start making some embryos. We have been talking with family and each other and thinking about fundraising but, to be honest, at the moment we are very busy in our work and home life that it would be too much for us to organise. I also do not wan to rely on other people purely to make this happen for us. It is our aim to save up for the rest of the money ourselves. This hopefully wont take us too long as I don't want to be waiting years for this to happen as the actual process takes long enough.
We have just over the past few weeks finalised and moved into our first home together. We have worked and saved for the last 2 years to be able to get to where we are today and we wanted to make sure we were settled with our own space before making any moves on the baby and wedding front. Now we have our home we can make a start on moving ahead.
I have set up a savings account that is purely for our surrogacy so all the money raised so far is in there. I do this for my own piece of mind so that I can prove we are using all the money raised for what we should be. Once we are settled and on track with our home and bills, me and Josh will be saving and adding to this surrogacy savings fund as much as we can. We have obviously still got the fundraising page open just in case but I dont want to keep pushing it in people's faces. If they want to help and donate, they will, if not, we understand!
Not really much to update as we will just be concentrating on saving for the next few months at least, but yesterday I was thinking about it quite abit and getting abit upset and frustrated about the situation so thought I would do a little blog entry.
Hopefully it wont be too long until I update you all again with good news that we have reached our savings goal. Fingers crossed!